Rabu, 21 Juli 2010


Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Work with the colors, several possibilities of correcting the drawbacks of the model’s figure. We’ll learn to apply some of the program’s filters too.

Let’s begin working by creating a new file (File>New) with 768×1024 px and 72 dpi. Next select the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to make the new layer of black color.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in  Photoshop CS3

Apply for the background’s layer this option: Filter>Noise>Add Noise
Create Girl  Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

On a new layer (Create new layer) we’ll select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to mark out the necessary zone on the picture, reserved for working with it. After that we’ll apply the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to paint this zone with the next color - #301A0D

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Select for the last layer the same filter used on the black background, choosing the same parameters too:

Create  Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Now we have to find in Internet a photo of a girl, like the next one:

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop  CS3

Cit it out and insert it on our picture:

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Select the next demonstrated parameters for the girl’s layer: Blending Options>Outer Glow

Create Girl Sense  Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Next we’ll try to draw the girl’s shadow - reflection. This operation needs copying the girl’s layer and choosing Free Transform selection for turning around the copy, placing her reflection under her legs.

Create Girl Sense Photo  Effects in Photoshop CS3

Now we have to download out of Internet a several sets of ready to use brushes in Adobe Photoshop, named Floral, BRUSHES_01_02, Brushes - curls

Attention! If you see an ornament on the picture made with the brush and it is turned over, it means that this brush is applied on a separate layer and turned over with Free Transform selection.

Next create a new layer (Create new layer) and choose the Brush Tool (B) out of the set Floral. The brush’s color is white and its layer should be placed on the layers’ panel lower than the girl’s layer.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Make a mouse click on the last layer on Add a Mask option that may be found on the lowest part of the layers’ panel. Select the Brush Tool (B) of black color and Opacity of 10% to clean out easily and attentively the brushes’ ornament.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects  in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create a new layer again and select this time the brushes out of this set: BRUSHES_01_02. Select also the white color for the brushes and situate this layer on the layers’ panel also lower than the girl’s layer.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects  in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Select the next indicated parameters for the brush’s layer: Blending mode-Soft Light

Create Girl Sense Photo  Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create one more new layer (Create new layer) where we’ll use the brush out of the earlier mentioned set: (BRUSHES_01_02) But this time we must select this color for the brush #747474. This layer should be positioned the same way the previous are.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Vivid Light

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Now it’s time to create one more new layer for using on it the sampled Brushes – curls of white color. The new layer should be placed the same way with the rest of the layers – lower than the girl’s layer (on the layers’ panel).

Create Girl  Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Make a mouse click on the same layer on Add a Mask option that may be found as you already know on the lowest part of the layers’ panel. Choose quickly the Brush Tool (B) of black color and Opacity of 10% to clean out smoothly the brushes’ ornaments.

Create Girl  Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create another new layer (Create new layer) for applying on it the Brushes – curls of white color, placing the new layer lower than the girl’s layer on the layers’ panel.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Soft Light

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

On the next new layer we’ll apply the brushes out of the same set used earlier. Their color is white too. The new layer should be positioned the same way as the previous layers were placed out.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Fill 30%
Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

On the next stage we have to draw a kind of light around the girl. Create a new layer for this operation and apply on it the Brush Tool (B) of white color and Opacity of 10%. It’s necessary to situate this layer on the layers’ panel lower than the girl’s layer too.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects  in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Next create another new layer (Create new layer) and use again the Brushes – curls.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

the color of the brush is #6F3C27

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

the color of the brush is #97BD58
Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

color of the brush is #0A224A

Create  Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Select these parameters from below for the last made layer: Blending mode-Hue
Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in  Photoshop CS3

Create once again a new layer (Create new layer) where we have to use the Brush Tool (B) and Opacity of 10% with the colors used before for the previous brushes to give more volume to the luminescence around the girl.

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Fill 50%
Blending mode-Hard Light

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in  Photoshop CS3

On the next new layer we’ll select again the brushes out of the set BRUSHES_01_02

Create Girl Sense  Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

the brush’s color: #F6B36F

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

the brush’s color: #781A01

Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Soft Light
Create Girl Sense Photo Effects in Photoshop CS3


The Ocean’s Freshness Photo Effects  

undefined undefined,
In this tutorial we will teach how to create fruits wallpaper.

Final Image Preview

Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Create a new file (File>New) with 1280×1024 px and 300 dpi. After that we have to select the Rectangle Tool (U) and use it for stretching out the color on the whole page.
Select now the Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
This is the picture we should get. It should represent scenery under the water.
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Create a new layer and paint it out with the Paint Bucket Tool (G) with the color’s code shown here: #003366
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Select on the layer the next options: Filter>Render>Clouds.
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Set the parameters for the layers’ palette the way it is indicated next small table:
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
It’s what we’ve got:
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Next we have to choose on the lowest layers’ palette the mask’s option:
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3Choose the mask itself:
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
And next apply the Gradient Tool (G) to draw the gradient on the layer. The top part of the layer became transparent as you may see on the picture below:
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Next step includes finding in Internet an underwater scenery, as next picture shows it:
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Using the Eraser Tool (E), we may cut out all the unnecessary elements, except the water’s surface.
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Move this picture on our picture and place it on the top part of the original one.
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Select after that the Brush Tool (B) with the color #669999 and the Opacity of 10%. The brush’s adjustments should be those indicated below:
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Try to represent next a kind of hazy mist:
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Create a new layer and apply on it the Pencil Tool (B) for drawing several lines, resembling the whirlwind. The color is still the same.
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3Enter the next options, Filter>Blur>Motion blur… and set them as the table indicates it:
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
We should get such a waterspout.
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Find in Internet several pictures containing the fruits. If the background happens to be white one, then we’ll need the Magic Wand Tool (W) for cutting it out. If the background is colored one, then we’ll need the Eraser Tool (E).
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
After cutting out the fruits from their background, we have to insert the fruits on out picture and place them in an arbitrary way.
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Make several copies of some fruits and apply the next shown options on the copied layer: Filter>Blur>Motion blur. The blurring directions should be set according to the fruit’s placement.
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
The top part of the blurred copy should be erased with the Eraser Tool (E) for showing the object’s motion.
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Create one more layer now and select the Brush Tool (B) with the color #669999 and then try to draw the air bubbles on our picture, changing if necessary the Master Diameter.
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3It’s what we should get:
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Add the FRESH inscription on the upper part of the picture, but be attentive with the text’s demands. Use only those indicated in the next table:
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Apply the next shown parameters for the layers’ palette.
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
Create Ocean's Freshness in Photoshop CS3
The picture is finished!

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

This tutorial shows a quick and easy way to make abstract backgrounds in Photoshop.

Start working by creating a new file (File>New) with 1024×768 px and 72 dpi.

Choose for the layer the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to paint it in the next shown color: #023D65

Create Floral  Background in Photoshop CS3

Find in Internet a picture, representing the grass:

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Cut out a fragment of the shown grass, as it is presented below and insert the fragment on our picture:

Create Floral  Background in Photoshop CS3

Set the next parameters for the layer by making a mouse click on the layer on the layers’ panel:
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Create Floral  Background in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Find in Internet a picture representing this time a mill:

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Cut out the element and introduce it in our picture:

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Create a new layer and select for it the Brush Tool (B) with blurred edges, white color and Opacity of 10%. This layer must be placed lower than the layers containing the grass and the mill (on the layers’ panel):

Create Floral  Background in Photoshop CS3

Find next in Internet a picture showing the sky:

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Cut out the unnecessary part of the sky and insert on the picture only that fragment we need, placing this layer also lower than the layers containing the grass and the mill (on the layers’ panel).

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Apply for this layer the next demonstrated parameters: Blending mode-Pin Light

Create Floral Background in  Photoshop CS3

Download out of Internet a set of ready to use brushes for Adobe Photoshop, named Flowery by ca_pris. Next step includes creating a new layer (Create new layer) and applying the brush from the mentioned above set. This layer should be placed also lower than the layer containing the grass and the mill (on the layers’ panel). The brush’s color this time is white.

Create Floral Background in Photoshop  CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Make a copy of the last made layer and place the copy above the recently made one:

Create Floral Background in  Photoshop CS3

Create a new layer and apply one of the brushes from the set Flowery by ca_pris. Place this layer lower than the layer containing the mill (on the layers’ panel).The brush’s color is white.

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Now we have to download out of Internet again another set of brushes for Adobe Photoshop: Floral.
Next step we should apply the set’s brush and place this layer above the layer with the grass (on the layers’ panel). The brush’s color is white again.

Create Floral Background in Photoshop  CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Find in Internet a picture representing the trees:

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Cut out the trees and insert them on the basic picture, placing the trees’ layer lower than the layer having the mill on it. Press CTRL+U

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Create a new layer and use on it the Floral set’s brush. The brush’s color is white and the layer in case must be placed above the trees’ layer, but lower than the layer containing the mill (on the layers’ panel).

Create Floral Background in  Photoshop CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Next we’ll use the Custom Shape Tool (U) for representing a small star, colored with #FFE725

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Make four copies of the last made layer and select the Free Transform option to make the copies smaller and to turn them over the same way shown below:

Create Floral  Background in Photoshop CS3

Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), (radius 10), it’s possible to represent a cross. For the beginning we’ll try to represent the first element and then the other one by pressing the SHIFT button. The color should be #99CC01

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Stroke

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Make two copies of the last made layer and select Free Transform option to change the copies’ sizes if necessary and to place them the way shown next picture:

Create  Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Using the Custom Shape Tool (U), it’s possible to represent a flower of white color.

Create Floral  Background in Photoshop CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Apply the next demonstrated parameters: Blending Options>Stroke

Create Floral Background in  Photoshop CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Make the necessary number of copies of the last made layer and select again the Free Transform option to change the copies’ sizes and to place them the way demonstrated below:

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Find in Internet this time a picture representing an air balloon:

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Cut out the balloon and insert it on our picture, pressing Ctrl+U buttons and changing its color:

Create Floral  Background in Photoshop CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

Make a copy of the balloon layer and choose again the Free Transform selection to enlarge the copy. Press CTRL+U combination of buttons and change the copy’s color. We have to place the copy as it is shown next picture:

Create Floral  Background in Photoshop CS3

Create Floral Background in Photoshop CS3

The picture is finished 

Learn in this tutorial how to create a vector Valentine’s heart with additional effects and textures.

Final Image Preview

Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Begin by representing a new file (File>New) that must have 1024×768 px and 72 dpi. Use next the Rectangle Tool (U) to draw the background of our picture we want to get finally.
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Select the next demonstrated parameters by making a mouse click on the layer we work with on the layers’ panel. Fill 0%
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Gradient’s parameters:
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Applying the Custom Shape Tool (U), it’s possible to draw a heart that may be turned over the way shown below with the Free Transform selection. The heart’s color is #C5271C
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Inner Glow
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Now we should draw a highlight of white color, using the Pen Tool (P). The element’s shape may be corrected with Convert Point Tool.
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Use the same tools for drawing one more highlight on the heart.
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Each layer containing the highlights must have the same parameters, indicated next: Fill 40%
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Download from Internet sets of ready to use brushes for Adobe Photoshop, named: BloodPack1__invaynestock, Vector_Brushes, Floral.
Create a new layer and use the Brush Tool (B) out of the set BloodPack1__invaynestock. The color that the brush has is #A9A8A7. Place the brush’s layer under the heart’s layer on the layers’ panel.
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Create one more new layer (Create new layer) and use on it the above mentioned brush. Select after that the Free Transform option to turn over the elements, placing them the way shown next picture. The brush’s color is #DEDDDD. This layer should be situated also under the heart’s layer on the layers’ panel,
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Select the same parameters from below for both layers containing the brushes. Fill 40%
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Take the Pen Tool (P) of white color to draw a wing which shape also may be corrected with the Convert Point Tool. The wing’s layer should be situated under the heart’s layer too.
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Make a copy of the layer containing the white wing and choose Free Transform selection to turn around the copy for placing it the same way illustrated below. The new wing’s layer is placed under the heart’s layer on the layers’ panel.
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Choose one more time the Custom Shape Tool (U) to draw a small star.
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Inner Glow
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Gradient’s parameters:
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Blending Options>Stroke
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3Make two copies of the layer containing the star and select again the Free Transform option to make the necessary changes on the copies’ sizes, placing them as below:
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Create a new layer again (Create new layer), using this time on it the brushes out of the set Vector_Brushes. The brushes’ color is #393532. Turn around the brushes the way shown below and place the new layer under the heart’s layer on the layers’ panel.
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Combine in a group all the layers containing the brushes Vector_Brushes (press Ctrl button to mark out the corresponding layers and hold on the left mouse’s button while moving the marked layers on Create a new group selection). Select the next parameters for the new group.
Blending mode-Hard Light
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Create again a new layer (Create new layer) and use on it the mentioned above brushes. The color of the Floral brushes is #878684. Rose brushes have the color #605C5B
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Combine in a group all the layers of the recently applied brushes (hold on Ctrl button for marking out the necessary layers and then keep pressed the left mouse’s button while taking the marked layers on Create a new group option). Apply the next parameter for the last created group:
Blending mode-Color Dodge
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
On the next layer (Create new layer) we should select the Floral brushes. Their color is white and their location may be changed with the Free Transform selection.
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
On the next layer (Create new layer) we’ll select the Brush Tool (B) to draw several small circles of white color, having the color #EEB7B0
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Create one more new layer and select the Brush Tool (B) out of the set entitled Vector_Brushes. The brushes’ color is white and their position may be changed again with Free Transform option.
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Valentine's Day Ideas in Photoshop CS3
Representing the picture came to end!

In this tutorial I will be teaching you how to add a grunge scene style to your photos.

Create a new file (File>New) with 1024×768 px and 100 dpi. Select on this layer the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to give it the color #F3DAA2

Create Urban city scene  on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Choose next the Custom Shape Tool (U) to represent the next layer belonging to the background of the picture we’ll get on the final stage. The color is #E0C27A

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Find in Internet a photo of a megapolis. Cut out the unnecessary elements of it and insert the main element in the middle of the picture.

Create Urban city scene on grunge  background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Download out of Internet a set of ready to apply brushes for Adobe Photoshop: BloodPack1__invaynestock, bloodbrushes2_invaynestock, Bush Pack v1
Create a new layer after that and select the Brush Tool (B) out of the set BloodPack1__invaynestock. The selected brushes’ color should be #C42622. Place the layer containing the brushes lower than the layer with the photo of the megapolis (on the layers’ panel).

Create Urban  city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

On the next layer we’ll apply the next set of brushes bloodbrushes2_invaynestock, having the white color. This layer will be placed lower than the layer containing the picture of the city (on the layers’ panel).

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create a new layer again and select the next brushes out of the set BloodPack1__invaynestock. Place this layer lower than the layer containing the photo of the city (on the layers’ panel).

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

the color #DD8301

Create  Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

the color #BCC450

Create  Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Use the next set of brushes named bloodbrushes2_invaynestock, having the color #FFA80E. The layer will be situated in the layers’ panel also lower than the layer containing the picture of the city.

Create Urban city scene on grunge  background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop  CS3

Make a mouse click on the lowest part of the layers’ panel on the next selection Create new fill or adjustment layer>Hue/Saturation. Place this layer above the layer containing the megapolis (on the layers’ panel).

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Press Alt button and make a mouse click between the layers of the effect Hue/Saturation and the megapolis’s layer for the effect to be applied in the limits of the megapolis.

Create Urban city scene on grunge  background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create a new layer and apply the brushes out of the set BloodPack1__invaynestock. The color of the selected brushes is black. We’ll apply mainly the brush, named blood 7 earlier used.

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create a new layer and select the brush out of the set BloodPack1__invaynestock. The brush’s color is black.

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Next we’ll select again the brushes out of the set BloodPack1__invaynestock, bloodbrushes2_invaynestock. The brushes should be used on a new layer, but the set’s brushes, named bloodbrushes2_invaynestock should be used on a different layer.

Create Urban  city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

the brush’s layer #BA0710
Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

the brushes’ layer : invaynestock 2.2 - #005826, invaynestock 2.8 - #FDAF25, #EDAA60 the brushes used on a different layer.

Create Urban  city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

The brushes’ layer of the set bloodbrushes2_invaynestock needs the next parameters: Blending mode-Color

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

On the next layer we’ll select the brushes out of the set bloodbrushes2_invaynestock. The brushes’ color is black.

Create Urban city scene  on grunge background in Photoshop CS3
Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Apply again the brushes out of the set BloodPack1__invaynestock. The brushes’ color is #D2B66F.

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

On the next three layers (for each of it press Create a new layer option) apply the next brushes out of the set Bush Pack v1. On two layers we need to apply the next demonstrated brush in the table:

Create Urban city scene on grunge  background in Photoshop CS3

the brush’s color is white: Fill 20% on the first layer

Create Urban city scene on grunge  background in Photoshop CS3

Fill 50% on the second layer

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

On the third layer we’ll apply the rest of the brushes, belonging to the set named Bush Pack v1. The brushes’ color is black.

Create Urban city scene on grunge  background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create a new file (File>New), having 4×4 px and 72 dpi and apply the Pencil Tool (B) of 1 px to represent the necessary texture. The color in this case is #C5A960

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Edit>Define Pattern
Next create another new layer (Create new layer) and select for it the next option Edit>Fill for the earlier made texture to be applied.

Create Urban city scene on grunge  background in Photoshop CS3

Apply the next parameters for the layer: Blending mode-Darken

Create Urban city scene on grunge  background in Photoshop CS3

On the last stage we have to write the text, keeping the demands from the table below (color #312C2C):

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Drop Shadow
Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

Create Urban city scene on grunge background in Photoshop CS3

The picture is finished! 

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

In this tutorial we will learn how to create a cool music design. We will use vector shapes and layer styles use vector shapes and layer styles.

Create a new file (File>New), having 1280×1024 px and 72 dpi.

Applying the Rectangle Tool (U), try to make the background of the picture to be.

Create Sound System Design  Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Set the next demonstrated parameters by making a mouse click on the layer we work with on the layers’ palette. Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create Sound  System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Let’s represent a ribbon. In this case we need to select the Pen Tool (P) and the Convert Point Tool for making the appropriate corrections on the element’s shape.

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Stroke

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop  CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Next we shall make eight copies of the last made layer and select the Free Transform option to turn over the copies, changing also the parameter Blending Options>Stroke for the copies.

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper  in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Using the Custom Shape Tool (U), let’s represent the musical symbols on the picture. Their sizes and inclining angle may be changed with Free Transform selection.

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Select the same tool to insert several more circles.

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Next we need to create the primary layer of the audio loud speaker, choosing for this operation the Ellipse Tool (U).

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop  CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Outer Glow

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop  CS3

Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:
Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Applying the last used tool (Ellipse Tool (U)), it’s possible to represent the next layer belonging to the same loud speaker.

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in  Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper  in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:
Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Now it’s time for the next layer, made with the same tool.

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Fill 0%
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Create Sound  System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Let’s represent the primary layer of the central part of the loud speaker. The instrument applied in this case is the Ellipse Tool (U) and the color #4D4948

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Make a copy of the recently made layer and select again the Free Transform solution to make the copy smaller as it is shown below, changing its parameters with those indicated below. Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create Sound  System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Next we must insert a kind of ornament on the loud speaker, the same way indicated below. In this case we’ll use the same tool.

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Fill 0%
Blending Options>Stroke

Create Sound System Design  Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Make four copies of the last made layer and try to increase uniformly each of the next copies. The Free Transform option is helpful when placing correctly the copies, using the same positions from below.

Create Sound System Design  Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Let’s continue representing the loud speaker. The instrument that must be applied in this case is the Ellipse Tool (U). Firstly we need to represent the outside edges of the element and then press Alt button to move off the inside element’s parts. The color used in this case is white.

Create  Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Inner Glow

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop  CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

We need to represent next element containing the screw’s head on the lateral part of the loud speaker. The instrument applied in this case is the Ellipse Tool (U).

Create  Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper  in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:

Create  Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Next we shall represent an opening on the top part of the screw, selecting for this operation the Rectangle Tool (U) and the color #2B2B2B

Create Sound  System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Make a copy of the layer containing the opening and select Free Transform option to turn over the copy the same way demonstrated next image.

Create Sound System Design  Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Getting a better result is possible when combining together the layers composing the screw and those two openings (press Ctrl button to mark out the corresponding layers and hold on the left mouse’s button to move the marked layers on Create a new group solution). Make twenty – one copies of the represented group and select the Free Transform option to turn over the copies placing them as it is demonstrated below.

Create Sound  System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Next we need to represent the sound waves around the loud speaker. This time we need to choose the Ellipse Tool (U). The new waves’ layers should be situated lower than the previous speaker’s layers.

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper  in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Fill 0%
Blending Options>Outer Glow
Create Sound System  Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Inner Glow

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The next wave will be represented with the same tool.

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Fill 0%
Blending Options>Outer Glow
Create Sound System  Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Inner Glow
Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Next stage we’ll represent the third sound’s wave, applying the method described above.

Create Sound System Design  Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3
The layer’s parameters: Fill 0%
Blending Options>Outer Glow

Create Sound System  Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Inner Glow
Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create a new layer on which we’ll apply the Brush Tool (B) of black color (Opacity of 20%). Let’s represent a darkening with this tool. We need to position this layer lower than the loud speaker’s layers and the layers containing the sound waves (on the layers’ palette).

Create Sound  System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create a new layer under the recently made one. Choosing the Paint Bucket Tool (G), it’s possible to add on it the white color.

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Put together the layers containing the shadow’s layer and the white one. Press Ctrl button to accentuate the layers and press Ctrl +E. Set the next filter’s option for the combined layer: Filter>Pixilate>Color Halftone

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Set the next parameters for the last made layer. Fill 70%
Blending Mode-Darken

Create Sound  System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Next we need to insert several rays on the top part of the picture. The selected instrument for this operation is the Pen Tool (P). The ray’s color is #145D88

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Applying the same tool, the Pen Tool (P), it’s possible to picture the rest of the rays we need to introduce on the picture.

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in  Photoshop CS3

On the last stage we’ll add several more musical symbols, choosing for the manipulation in case the Custom Shape Tool (U).

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop  CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Sound System Design Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The final result!

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